Create an overview table with model properties

Author(s): Ines Thiele, Ronan M. T. Fleming, Systems Biochemistry Group, LCSB, University of Luxembourg.
Reviewer(s): Catherine Fleming, Stefania Magnusdottir, Molecular Systems Physiology Group, LCSB, University of Luxembourg.


In this tutorial, we evaluate the basic properties of the metabolic model, such as the number of reactions, unique metabolites, blocked reactions, dead-end metabolites, and store the information in a table ('Table_Prop').


Initialize the COBRA Toolbox.

If necessary, initialize The Cobra Toolbox using the initCobraToolbox function.
initCobraToolbox(false) % false, as we don't want to update
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | / ___| / _ \ | _ \ | _ \ / ___ \ | COnstraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis | | | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | |___| | | The COBRA Toolbox - 2017 | | | | | | | _ { | _ / | ___ | | | |___ | |_| | | |_| | | | \ \ | | | | | Documentation: \_____| \_____/ |_____/ |_| \_\ |_| |_| | | > Checking if git is installed ... Done. > Checking if the repository is tracked using git ... Done. > Checking if curl is installed ... Done. > Checking if remote can be reached ... Done. > Initializing and updating submodules ... Done. > Adding all the files of The COBRA Toolbox ... Done. > Define CB map output... set to svg. > Retrieving models ... Done. > TranslateSBML is installed and working properly. > Configuring solver environment variables ... - [---*] ILOG_CPLEX_PATH: C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio1271\cplex\matlab\x64_win64 - [----] GUROBI_PATH : --> set this path manually after installing the solver ( see instructions ) - [---*] TOMLAB_PATH: C:\Program Files\tomlab\ - [----] MOSEK_PATH : --> set this path manually after installing the solver ( see instructions ) Done. > Checking available solvers and solver interfaces ... Done. > Setting default solvers ... Done. > Saving the MATLAB path ... Done. - The MATLAB path was saved in the default location. > Summary of available solvers and solver interfaces Support LP MILP QP MIQP NLP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cplex_direct full 0 0 0 0 - dqqMinos full 0 - - - - glpk full 1 1 - - - gurobi full 1 1 1 1 - ibm_cplex full 1 1 1 - - matlab full 1 - - - 1 mosek full 0 0 0 - - pdco full 1 - 1 - - quadMinos full 0 - - - 0 tomlab_cplex full 1 1 1 1 - qpng experimental - - 1 - - tomlab_snopt experimental - - - - 1 gurobi_mex legacy 0 0 0 0 - lindo_old legacy 0 - - - - lindo_legacy legacy 0 - - - - lp_solve legacy 1 - - - - opti legacy 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total - 7 4 5 2 2 + Legend: - = not applicable, 0 = solver not compatible or not installed, 1 = solver installed. > You can solve LP problems using: 'glpk' - 'gurobi' - 'ibm_cplex' - 'matlab' - 'pdco' - 'tomlab_cplex' - 'lp_solve' > You can solve MILP problems using: 'glpk' - 'gurobi' - 'ibm_cplex' - 'tomlab_cplex' > You can solve QP problems using: 'gurobi' - 'ibm_cplex' - 'pdco' - 'tomlab_cplex' - 'qpng' > You can solve MIQP problems using: 'gurobi' - 'tomlab_cplex' > You can solve NLP problems using: 'matlab' - 'tomlab_snopt' > Checking for available updates ... --> You cannot update your fork using updateCobraToolbox(). [3d2698 @ Tutorial-modelProperties]. Please use the MATLAB.devTools (

Setting the optimization solver.

This tutorial will be run with a 'glpk' package, which is a linear programming ('LP') solver. The 'glpk' package does not require additional instalation and configuration.
However, for the analysis of large models, such as Recon 2.04, it is not recommended to use the 'glpk' package but rather an industrial strength solver, such as the 'gurobi' package.
A solver package may offer different types of optimization programmes to solve a problem. The above example used a LP optimization, other types of optimization programmes include; mixed-integer linear programming ('MILP'), quadratic programming ('QP'), and mixed-integer quadratic programming ('MIQP').
warning off MATLAB:subscripting:noSubscriptsSpecified

COBRA model.

In this tutorial, the model used is the generic reconstruction of human metabolism, the Recon 2.04 [1], which is provided in the COBRA Toolbox. The Recon 2.04 model can also be downloaded from the Virtual Metabolic Human webpage. Before proceeding with the simulations, the path to the model needs to be set up and the model loaded:
modelFileName = 'Recon2.v04.mat';
modelDirectory = getDistributedModelFolder(modelFileName); %Look up the folder for the distributed Models.
modelFileName= [modelDirectory filesep modelFileName]; % Get the full path. Necessary to be sure, that the right model is loaded
model = readCbModel(modelFileName);


We first initialize the table
clear TableProp
r = 1;
TableProp(r, :) = {'Model'}; r = r+1;
Determine the number of reactions in the model.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Reactions'};
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(model.rxns));
r = r + 1;
Determine the number of metabolites in the model.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Metabolites'};
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(model.mets));
r = r + 1;
Determine the number of unique metabolites in the model.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Metabolites (unique)'};
[g, remR3M] = strtok(model.mets,'[');
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(unique(g)));
r = r + 1;
Determine the number of compartments in model.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Compartments (unique)'};
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(unique(remR3M)));
r = r + 1;
Determine the number of unique genes.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Genes (unique)'};
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(unique(g)));
r = r + 1;
Determine the number of subsystems.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Subsystems'};
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(unique(model.subSystems)));
r = r + 1;
Determine the number of deadends.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Deadends'};
D3M = detectDeadEnds(model);
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(D3M));
r = r + 1;
Determine the size of the S matrix.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Size of S'};
TableProp{r, 2} = strcat(num2str(size(model.S,1)),'; ',num2str(size(model.S,2)));
r = r + 1;
Determine the rank of S.
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Rank of S'};
TableProp{r, 2} = strcat(num2str(rank(full(model.S))));
r = r + 1;
Determine the percentage of non-zero entries in the S matrix (nnz)
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Percentage nz'};
TableProp{r, 2} = strcat(num2str((nnz(model.S)/(size(model.S,1)*size(model.S,2)))));
r = r + 1;
View table.
TableProp =
'Model' [] 'Reactions' '7440' 'Metabolites' '5063' 'Metabolites (unique)' '2626' 'Compartments (unique)' '8' 'Genes (unique)' '1733' 'Subsystems' '100' 'Deadends' '1332' 'Size of S' '5063;7440' 'Rank of S' '4666' 'Percentage nz' '0.0008373'
Determine blocked reactions properties (optional).
To evaluate the following model properties of bloack reactions, the solver package of IBM ILOG CPLEX is required. To install CPLEX refer to solver installation guide, and change the solver to 'ibm_cplex' using the changeCobraSolver as shown above in equipment set-up.
nworkers = 2;
solver = 'ibm_cplex';
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ...
connected to 2 workers. Parallel computation initialized
tol = 1e-6;
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Blocked Reactions'};
[minFluxR3M, maxFluxR3M] = fastFVA(model, 0, 'max', solver);
> The CPLEX version has been determined as 1271. -- Warning:: You may only ouput 4, 7 or 9 variables. >> Solving Model.S. (uncoupled) >> The number of arguments is: input: 4, output 2. >> Size of stoichiometric matrix: (5063,7440) >> All reactions are solved (7440 reactions - 100%). >> 0 reactions out of 7440 are minimized (0.00%). >> 0 reactions out of 7440 are maximized (0.00%). >> 7440 reactions out of 7440 are minimized and maximized (100.00%). -- Starting to loop through the 2 workers. -- -- The splitting strategy is 0. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Task Launched // TaskID: 2 / 2 (LoopID = 2) <> [3721, 7440] / [5063, 7440]. >> Number of reactions given to the worker: 3720 >> The number of reactions retrieved is 3720 >> Log files will be stored at P:\Gitlab\fork-cobratoolbox\src\analysis\FVA\fastFVA\logFiles -- Start time: Tue Jul 11 16:59:08 2017 >> #Task.ID = 2; logfile: cplexint_logfile_2.log -- Minimization (iRound = 0). Number of reactions: 3720. -- Maximization (iRound = 1). Number of reactions: 3720. -- End time: Tue Jul 11 17:05:21 2017 >> Time spent in FVAc: 373.9 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==> 50.0% done. Please wait ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Task Launched // TaskID: 1 / 2 (LoopID = 1) <> [1, 3720] / [5063, 7440]. >> Number of reactions given to the worker: 3720 >> The number of reactions retrieved is 3720 >> Log files will be stored at P:\Gitlab\fork-cobratoolbox\src\analysis\FVA\fastFVA\logFiles -- Start time: Tue Jul 11 16:59:08 2017 >> #Task.ID = 1; logfile: cplexint_logfile_1.log -- Minimization (iRound = 0). Number of reactions: 3720. -- Maximization (iRound = 1). Number of reactions: 3720. -- End time: Tue Jul 11 17:07:21 2017 >> Time spent in FVAc: 499.0 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==> 100% done. Analysis completed.
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(intersect(find(abs(minFluxR3M) < tol), find(abs(maxFluxR3M) < tol))));
r = r + 1;
TableProp(r, 1) = {'Blocked Reactions (Percentage)'};
TableProp{r, 2} = num2str(length(intersect(find(abs(minFluxR3M) < tol), find(abs(maxFluxR3M) < tol)))/length(model.rxns));
r = r + 1;
View table
TableProp =
'Model' [] 'Reactions' '7440' 'Metabolites' '5063' 'Metabolites (unique)' '2626' 'Compartments (unique)' '8' 'Genes (unique)' '1733' 'Subsystems' '100' 'Deadends' '1332' 'Size of S' '5063;7440' 'Rank of S' '4666' 'Percentage nz' '0.0008373' 'Blocked Reactions' '2123' 'Blocked Reactions (Percentage)' '0.28535'


This tutorial takes a few minutes depending on solver, computer, and model size. The most time consuming step is the flux variability analysis.


[1] Thiele et al., A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism, Nat Biotech, 2013.